India Startup360


Accelerated advancements in the field of digital technologies has certainly increased the demand for tech talent. The need for skilled professionals is increasing exponentially, colleges and universities are not able to supply the required number of graduates to meet the high demand. Hence, the key tech-sector is facing an acute talent shortage. Thousands of positions in programming, development, UI/UX design, and data-oriented roles are not getting filled. Universities produce only 35% of skilled graduates every year.

Hence online technology learning bootcamp is emerging as a preferred alternative solution, enabling organizations to address the skill crisis.

Naturally employment-focused, short-term, and flexible learning programs, i.e online bootcamps are gaining widespread acceptance by top multinational companies and Startups alike.

Financial services, and retail chains, organizations & Tech firms are preferring online bootcamps for talent acquisition.

Under these circumstances, India Startup360 has initiated to conduct these Bootcamp in all fields on a regular basis along with our Expos and also with a regular Training Calendar.

Our first such Program is scheduled on 24th and 25th July 2021.

The Bootcamp on AI & Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Using UiPath is designed to help business analysts and administrators to automate processes within their businesses.

All Participants will get a Joint Participation Certificate by Glosap, Singapore & IS360.